Results for 'Welfare Rights as Compensation'

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  1.  31
    Right to Private Property.Welfare Rights as Compensation - 2012 - In Martin O'Neill & Thad Williamson, Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  2.  65
    (1 other version)Public Justification and the Right to Private Property: Welfare Rights as Compensation for Exclusion.Corey Brettschneider - 2012 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 6 (1):119-146.
    The right to private property is among the most fundamental in liberal theory. For many liberals the idea of the state is grounded in its role as a protector of private property. If the liberal state is justified by its ability to protect property, the modern welfare state is often justified by its ability to meet needs. According to a view commonly referred to as “welfarism,” the very fact that needs exist implies there is a moral obligation to meet (...)
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  3. Why universal welfare rights are impossible and what it means.Danny Frederick - 2010 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 9 (4):428-445.
    Cranston argued that scarcity makes universal welfare rights impossible. After showing that this argument cannot be avoided by denying scarcity, I consider four challenges to the argument which accept the possibility of conflicts between the duties implied by rights. The first denies the agglomeration principle; the second embraces conflicts of duties; the third affirms the violability of all rights-based duties; and the fourth denies that duties to compensate are overriding. I argue that all four challenges to (...)
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    Welfare rights as human rights.David Archard - unknown
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  5. On Compensation and Return: Can The 'Continuing Injustice Argument' for Compensating for Historical Injustices Justify Compensation for Such Injustices or the Return of Property?Nahshon Perez - 2011 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 28 (2):151-168.
    This paper offers a critique of recent attempts, by George Sher and others to justify compensation to be paid to descendants of deceased victims of past wrongs. This recent attempt is important as it endeavours to avoid some well-known critiques of previous attempts, such as the non-identity problem. Furthermore, this new attempt is grounded in individual rights, without invoking a more controversial collectivist assumption. The first step in this critique is to differentiate between compensation and restitution. Once (...)
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  6. Welfare rights as property rights.Thomas A. Horne - 1988 - In J. Donald Moon, Responsibility, rights, and welfare: the theory of the welfare state. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 107--132.
  7.  40
    Welfare, Rights, and Social Choice Procedure: A Perspective.Kotaro Suzumura - 1996 - Analyse & Kritik 18 (1):20-37.
    Sen’s “The Impossibility of a Paretian Liberal” was meant to crystallize his fundamental criticism against the welfaristic basis of welfare economics in general, and social choice theory in particular. This paper vindicates Sen’s criticism, arguing that its logical relevance is not lost in light of recent criticisms against his method of articulating individual rights in terms of a person’s decisive power in social choice. We show that some recent proposals that Sen’s articulation failed to capture a strong libertarian (...)
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  8. How Procreation Generates Parental Rights and Obligations.Michael Cholbi - 2016 - In Jaime Ahlberg & Michael Cholbi, Procreation, Parenthood, and Educational Rights: Ethical and Philosophical Issues. Routledge.
    Philosophical defenses of parents’ rights typically appeal to the interests of parents, the interests of children, or some combination of these. Here I propose that at least in the case of biological, non-adoptive parents, these rights have a different normative basis: namely, these rights should be accorded to biological parents because of the compensatory duties such parents owe their children by virtue of having brought them into existence. Inspried by Seana Shiffrin, I argue that procreation inevitably encumbers (...)
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  9.  53
    A Defense of Welfare Rights as Human Rights.James W. Nickel - 2009 - In Thomas Christiano & John Philip Christman, Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 437–456.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Vance Conception of Economic and Social Rights Justifying Economic and Social Rights Implementing Economic and Social Rights The Widespread Acceptance of Economic and Social Rights Note References.
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  10. Rights to Compensation.Onora O’Neill - 1987 - Social Philosophy and Policy 5 (1):72.
    Rights to compensation are much invoked and much disputed in recent liberal debates. The disputes are generally about supposed fundamental rights to compensation, whose recognition and legal enactment would transform some lives. For example, special treatment in education or employment are claimed as compensation for past denials of equal opportunity; special consideration for Third World countries in aid and trade terms is claimed as compensation for the injustices of the colonial past. We can make (...)
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  11. Welfare rights and conflicts of rights.Katherine Eddy - 2006 - Res Publica 12 (4):337-356.
    The fact that welfare rightsrights to food, shelter and medical care – will conflict with one another is often taken to be good reason to exclude welfare rights from the catalogue of genuine rights. Rather than respond to this objection by pointing out that all rights conflict, welfare rights proponents need to take the conflicts objection seriously. The existence of potentially conflicting and more weighty normative considerations counts against a (...)
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  12.  34
    Libertarian Welfare Rights: Can We Expel Them?Charles Goodman - unknown
    In Globalization and Global Justice, Nicole Hassoun presents a new andfundamental challenge to libertarian political thought. Her LegitimacyArgument tries to show that natural rights libertarians are committed bytheir own principles to a requirement that their states recognize and meetthe positive welfare rights of certain merely potentially autonomous persons.Unfortunately, this argument suffers from two flaws. Hassoun needs to show,but has not shown, that the libertarian state would have to infringe any ofthe negative rights of the merely potentially (...)
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  13.  46
    Post-Divorce Maintenance Rights for Muslim Women in Pakistan and Iran: Making the Case for Law Reform.Ayesha Shahid - 2018 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 15 (1):59-98.
    Protecting women and children is one of the core values of the Islamic legal tradition. In Muslim countries religious, constitutional, and legal frameworks obligate the state to take special measures to provide protection to women and children within families and in society. However, despite such provisions, post-divorce maintenance rights are not granted to women in Pakistan and Iran. Family law enacted in Pakistan and Iran still differs in form and substance from what has been mentioned in the primary sources (...)
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  14. From Nozick to welfare rights: Self‐ownership, property, and moral desert.Adrian Bardon - 2000 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 14 (4):481-501.
    The Kantian moral foundations of Nozickian libertarianism suggest that the claim that self‐ownership grounds only negative rights to property should be rejected. The moral foundations of Nozick's libertarianism better support basing property rights on moral desert. It is neither incoherent nor implausible to say that need can be a basis for desert. By implication, the libertarian contention that persons ought to be respected as persons living self‐shaping lives is inconsistent with the libertarian refusal to accept that claims of (...)
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  15.  36
    EU immigration, Welfare Rights and Populism: A Normative Appraisal of Welfare Populism.Dimitrios E. Efthymiou - 2020 - Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 12 (2):161-188.
    Populists in the EU often call for restrictions on EU immigrants’ access to welfare rights. These calls are often demagogic and parochial. This paper aims to show what exactly is both distinct and problematic with these populist calls from a normative point of view while not necessarily reducible to demagogy and parochialism. The overall aim of the paper is not to argue that all populists call for such restrictions nor to claim that all calls for such restrictions are (...)
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  16.  79
    EU Citizens’ Access to Welfare Rights: How (not) to Think About Unreasonable Burdens?Dimitrios E. Efthymiou - 2022 - Res Publica 28 (4):613-633.
    Defenders of current restrictions on EU immigrants’ access to welfare rights in host member states often invoke a principle of reciprocity among member states to justify these policies. The argument is that membership of a system of social cooperation triggers duties of reciprocity characteristic of welfare rights. Newly arriving EU immigrants who look for work do not meet the relevant criteria of membership, the argument goes, because they have not yet contributed enough to qualify as members (...)
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  17.  72
    The Primacy of Welfare Rights: MARTIN P.GOLDING.Martin P. Golding - 1984 - Social Philosophy and Policy 1 (2):119-136.
    This paper deals with three topics: types of rights, the development of the terminology of rights, and the question of the primacy of welfare rights. Because these topics are interrelated, my exposition does not observe rigid boundaries among them. There is no pretence at all that any of these subjects is fully covered here; nor is it proposed, except for one writer, to touch upon the contemporary literature on rights, as noteworthy as some of that (...)
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  18.  45
    Resource allocation, welfare rights - mapping the boundaries of judicial control in public administrative law.E. Palmer - 2000 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 20 (1):63-88.
    In a recent line of cases, senior judges in the UK have been called upon to adjudicate in complaints over the failure of health and local authorities to meet the welfare needs of citizens. Local authorities claimed that the disputes had been precipitated by a lack of resources allocated by central government to meet local demand. This article examines the role of the courts in resolving a fundamental tension between central government policy of financial cost-cutting on the one hand (...)
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  19. Book Review - Happiness in Kant’s Practical Philosophy: Morality, Indirect Duties, and Welfare Rights by Alice Pinheiro Walla. [REVIEW]Paula Satne - 2023 - Studia Kantiana 21 (2):177-183.
    Kant is probably one of the most misunderstood philosophers in the history of Western thought. Some of the most well-known and pervasive objections to Kant’s practical philosophy often rest on considerable misunderstandings of his central theses or a poor and superficial reading of his work. A common misconception is that in Kant’s practical philosophy there is no place or role for human happiness. In Happiness in Kant’s Practical Philosophy: Morality, Indirect Duties, and Welfare Rights, Alice Pinheiro Walla dispels (...)
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  20.  89
    Fairness in holdings: A natural law account of property and welfare rights.Joseph Boyle - 2001 - Social Philosophy and Policy 18 (1):206-226.
    In this essay I will try to develop a natural law justification of welfare rights. The justification I will undertake is from the perspective of Catholic natural law, that is, the strand of natural law that has been developed theoretically by Roman Catholic canonists, theologians, and philosophers since Aquinas, and affirmed by Catholic teachers as the basis for most moral obligations. Catholic natural law is, therefore, natural law as developed and understood by Catholics or others respecting Catholic traditions (...)
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  21.  11
    Promoting Freedom from Poverty: Political Mobilization and the Role of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union.Jyl Josephson & Diana Zoelle - 2006 - Feminist Review 82 (1):6-26.
    Contemporary social policy toward low-income women in the United States, as evidenced both by Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) and by the AFDC programme that preceded it, is in part an artefact of long-standing conceptions of the nature of citizenship. This view sees citizenship as resting primarily on civil and political rights, not on rights with respect to economic, social, and cultural matters. Drawing on scholarly literature on the development of international human rights regimes, (...)
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  22.  77
    Liberalism and the constitution.Sotirios A. Barber - 2007 - Social Philosophy and Policy 24 (1):234-265.
    If the U.S. Constitution is a liberal Constitution, liberal governments can have a constitutional obligation to secure positive benefits or welfare rights. The original constitutional text describes a government instrumental to the Preamble's abstract ends or goods. Constitutional rights can be reconciled to the text's instrumentalist logic by viewing them as functional to better conceptions of abstract ends among actors who would compensate for their fallibility. The Federalist confirms the instrumentalism of the constitutional text. Conservative writers who (...)
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  23.  17
    Die Strafrechtsphilosophie von Karl Christian Friedrich Krause.Claus Dierksmeier & Joachim Renzikowski - 2020 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 28 (1):135-150.
    Karl Friedrich Christian Krause’s concept of penal law, though little noticed in Germany, can be regarded as almost revolutionary for its time, as it assumes that public law is not only – negatively – intended to delimit and guarantee the citizens’ spheres of freedom. Rather, the law should also promote the welfare of the citizenry. As a result, Krause’s considerations of penal law do not focus on law enforcement alone, but just as much on the resocialization of both the (...)
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  24.  99
    Disappearing without a moral trace? Rights and compensation during times of emergency.Simon Wigley - 2009 - Law and Philosophy 28 (6):617 - 649.
    Scholars are divided over whether a victim's rights persist when an agent permissibly responds to an emergency. According to the prevailing view the moral force of rights is not extinguished by moral permissibility and the agent, therefore, has a duty to compensate the victim. According to another influential view permissibility does erase the moral force of rights and the agent, therefore, can only have a duty to compensate for reasons other than the fact that they committed a (...)
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  25.  77
    John Locke: Between charity and welfare rights.Bruno Rea - 1987 - Journal of Social Philosophy 18 (3):13-26.
    In the past quarter century C. B. MacPherson's reading of Locke has enjoyed a wide appeal. We are all by now familiar with Locke as the ardent proponent of possessive individualism, with its accompanying acquisitive tendencies and egoism. To be sure, MacPherson's interpretation has not gone unopposed. Of late it has been challenged in all its fundamentals by the scholarly and ingenious work of James Tully. Far from seeing Locke as providing the theoretical underpinnings for unbridled capitalism, Tully puts forward (...)
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  26.  29
    ‘Because they are a part of life:’ Children’s ideas about the welfare, rights, and protection of animals and ecosystems.Sandra Bosacki, Christine Tardif-Williams & Renata Roma - 2023 - Journal of Moral Education 52 (4):511-525.
    ABSTRACT This exploratory study assessed links among children’s moral concern and their ideas about the rights and protection of companion, farm, wild animals and ecosystems. Sixty-one children responded to three interview questions that were coded as either anthropocentric or biocentric in orientation. Results revealed unique links among children’s moral concern and their ideas about the rights and protection of different types of animals and ecosystems. Biocentric moral concern was associated with two protection strategies: 1) advocacy to protect companion (...)
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  27.  72
    Righting the Wrong for Third Parties: How Monetary Compensation, Procedure Changes and Apologies Can Restore Justice for Observers of Injustice.Natàlia Cugueró-Escofet, Marion Fortin & Miguel-Angel Canela - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (2):253-268.
    People react negatively not only to injustices they personally endure but also to injustices that they observe as bystanders at work—and typically, people observe more injustices than they personally experience. It is therefore important to understand how organizations can restore observers’ perceptions of justice after an injustice has occurred. In our paper, we employ a policy capturing design to test and compare the restorative power of monetary compensation, procedure changes and apologies, alone and in combination, from the perspective of (...)
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  28.  7
    The child's welfare interest-based right to bodily integrity.Kate Goldie Townsend - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (4):329-340.
    Children are individuals, and they are owed rights as individuals. Here, I offer a defence of the child's right to bodily integrity against genital cutting and modification practices. The liberal commitment to the right to bodily integrity works with the harm principle as a liberty limiting commitment within a system that respects people's embodied moral personhood and their decisions about their lives and bodies. Like adults within a political system committed to the equal protection of individual rights, children (...)
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  29.  14
    The human rights discourse between liberty and welfare: a dialogue with Jacques Maritain and Amartya Sen.Jiji Philip - 2017 - Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos.
    Given the fact that the prevalent political debates about the status and significance of liberty and welfare are almost polarised, this book defends both of them as essential to human dignity and well being. Amartya Sen's capability approach is the result of his constructive criticism of John Rawls' political liberalism. Though Jacques Maritain is often regarded as the forerunner of Rawls, he has not yet been discussed in relation to Sen's capability approach. Despite Maritain's pioneering contributions to human (...) discourse in the twentieth century, his personalism only insufficiently reflects and explains the demands of welfare rights. In view of this shared deficit in liberal traditions, this book argues that Sen's human rights discourse, with its 'goal rights system,' persuasively integrates both liberty and welfare rights. In addition, it merges both human rights and human development discourses, consequently laying a solid foundation for a rights based approach to development"--Publisher's website. (shrink)
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    Animal Welfare and Animal Rights: an Examination of some Ethical Problems.Nibedita Priyadarshini Jena - 2017 - Journal of Academic Ethics 15 (4):377-395.
    The spectacle of the relentless use and abuse of animals in various human enterprises led some human beings to formulate animal welfare policies and to offer philosophical arguments on the basis of which the humane treatment of animals could be defended rationally. According to the animal welfare concept, animals should be provided some comfort and freedom of movement in the period prior to the moment when they are killed. This concept emphasizes the physiological, psychological, and natural aspects of (...)
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  31. Compensation under the European Convention on Human Rights for Expropriations Enforced Prior to the Applicability of the Convention.Stefan Kirchner & Katarzyna Geler-Noch - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (1):21-29.
    Forced expropriations of immovable property were common during the Communist era in Eastern Europe. Today, many of the former owners or their heirs are interested in regaining legal ownership of such properties, often decades after the ownership has been reallocated to others. Therefore, the conflict between old and new owners is often resolved in favour of the new owners. While this is understandable from a contemporary political perspective, this approach results in a perpetuation of the results of an earlier human (...)
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  32. Responsibility and compensation rights.Peter Vallentyne - 2009 - In Stephen De Wijze, Matthew H. Kramer & Ian Carter, Hillel Steiner and the Anatomy of Justice: Themes and Challenges. New York: Routledge.
    I address an issue that arises for rights theories that recognize rights to compensation for rightsintrusions. Do individuals who never pose any risk of harm to others have a right, against a rightsintruder, to full compensation for any resulting intrusion-harm, or is the right limited in some way by the extent to which the intruder was agent-responsible for the intrusion-harm (e.g., the extent to which the harm was a foreseeable result of her autonomous choices)? Although this (...)
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  33.  35
    Encyclopedia of animal rights and animal welfare.Marc Bekoff & Carron A. Meaney (eds.) - 1998 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    Whether writing for a term paper, looking up organizations involving animal rights, or researching information as an animal lover, this is a resource chock full of information on animal rights and welfare. Coverage of issues, controversies, significant historical figures, and ideologies related to the treatment of animals are comprehensive. The essays cover a wide spectrum from the founding of the ASPCA and trapping, to religion and animals. The directory of organizations serves practical purposes, such as where to (...)
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  34.  56
    From Welfare to Rights without Changing the Subject.John Hadley - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (5):993-1004.
    In this paper I introduce the ‘changing the subject’ problem. When proponents of animal protection use terms such as dignity and respect they can be fairly accused of shifting debate from welfare to rights because the terms purportedly refer to properties and values that are logically distinct from the capacity to suffer and the moral significance of causing animals pain. To avoid this problem and ensure that debate proceeds in the familiar terms of the established welfare paradigm, (...)
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  35.  20
    Rights, Solidarity, and the Animal Welfare State.Jes L. Harfeld - 2016 - Between the Species 19 (1).
    This article argues that aspects of the animal rights view can be constructively modulated through a communitarian approach and come to promote animal welfare through the social contexts of expanded caring communities. The Nordic welfare state is presented as a conceivable caring community within which animals could be viewed and treated appropriately as co-citizens with solidarity based rights and duties.
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  36.  13
    A Life of One's Own: Individual Rights and the Welfare State.David Kelley - 1998 - Cato Institute.
    David Kelley presents empirical evidence of the welfare state’s effects on behavior, historical research on the origins of the welfare state, and philosophical clarification of such core ideas as freedom and rights. After a careful examination of the various arguments made on behalf of welfare rights, Kelley concludes that “the concept of welfare rights is invalid.”.
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  37.  79
    Environmental Rights in a Welfare State? A Comment on DeMerieux.Chris Miller - 2003 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 23 (1):111-125.
    The derivation of a category of ‘environmental rights’ (as argued in this journal by Margaret DeMerieux) from certain cases heard in the European Court of Human Rights is examined. Opposing the majority judicial opinion of that court, there is emerging a dissenting view which is reluctant to extend a rights perspective to those nuisances which can, in theory, be avoided by relocation of the family home. This critique is then extended to Marcic v Thames Water Utilities in (...)
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  38. The Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare are Rights.Clare McCausland - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (4):649-662.
    In this paper I defend a theory of welfare rights for nonhuman animals. I do this by demonstrating that a well-established framework for protecting the interests of farm animals, the ‘Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare’, is already functioning just as a set of rights. To support this claim I adopt a common approach to detecting evidence for deontological reasoning and look at the structural features of rights. I first consider Hohfeld’s system of legal rights (...)
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  39.  52
    Abortion Needs or Abortion Rights? Claiming State Accountability for Women’s Reproductive Welfare: Family Planning Association of Northern Ireland v. Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety.Ruth Fletcher - 2005 - Feminist Legal Studies 13 (1):123-134.
    The Family Planning Association Northern Ireland (F.P.A.N.I.) has recently been successful in holding the state accountable for its duty to safeguard women’s reproductive health and welfare, and clarify the circumstances in which abortion is lawful. By demanding that the Minister for Health investigate abortion provision and produce abortion guidance, F.P.A.N.I. hope to improve the quality of abortion services and alleviate the situation of those women who are legally entitled to abortion in Northern Ireland but cannot access it there. This (...)
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  40. Compensation and Limits on Harm in Animal Research.Jake Earl - 2022 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 32 (3):313-327.
    Although researchers generally take great care to ensure that human subjects do not suffer very serious harms from their involvement in research, the situation is different for nonhuman animal subjects. Significant progress has been made in reducing unnecessary animal suffering in research, yet researchers still inflict severe pain and distress on tens of thousands of animals every year for scientific purposes. Some bioethicists, scientists, and animal welfare advocates argue for placing an upper limit on the suffering researchers may impose (...)
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  41.  84
    The Right to Welfare and the Virtue of Charity.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1993 - Social Philosophy and Policy 10 (1):192-224.
    As each individual abandons himself to the solicitous aid of the State,so, and still more, he abandons to it the fate of his fellow-citizens.Wilhelm Von Humboldt,On the Limits of State Action.
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    Advancing the human right to food in Canada: Social policy and the politics of hunger, welfare, and food security. [REVIEW]Graham Riches - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (2):203-211.
    This article argues that hunger in Canada, while being an outcome of unemployment, low incomes, and inadequate welfare, springs also from the failure to recognize and implement the human right to food. Food security has, however, largely been ignored by progressive social policy analysis. Barriers standing in the way of achieving food security include the increasing commodification of welfare and the corporatization of food, the depoliticization of hunger by governments and the voluntary sector, and, most particularly, the neglect (...)
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  43.  13
    The Welfare State as a Practice of Compromise: European Models.Grigory Y. Kanarsh - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (3):142-159.
    The article analyzes the features of three main models of the welfare state: German, Northern European, and Anglo-Saxon. The author turns to the analysis of these models, first, because the problem of the welfare state in the world is again coming to the fore, and secondly, because social development in the most developed countries, in the author’s opinion, in the future will be largely determined by the values and behavioral models that are embedded in the three main versions (...)
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  44. On revaluing the currency of human rights.Katherine Eddy - 2007 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 6 (3):307-328.
    In a recent spate of reflective writings on the concept of human rights, philosophers have been concerned to firm up the analytical boundaries of human rights discourse, without excluding welfare rights from the catalogue. The article considers three of these recent attempts to `revalue the currency' of human rights: the agency conception, the pluralist conception, and the negative duties conception. It ultimately defends a `dignity-based' account of human rights, in which any number of human (...)
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  45. Introduction: In Search of a Lost Liberalism.Demin Duan & Ryan Wines - 2010 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (3):365-370.
    The theme of this issue of Ethical Perspectives is the French tradition in liberal thought, and the unique contribution that this tradition can make to debates in contemporary liberalism. It is inspired by a colloquium held at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in December of 2008 entitled “In Search of a Lost Liberalism: Constant, Tocqueville, and the singularity of French Liberalism.” This colloquium was held in conjunction with the retirement of Leuven professor and former Dean of the Institute of Philosophy, André (...)
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  46. Nonhuman Self-Investment Value.Gary Comstock - manuscript
    Guardians of companion animals killed wrongfully in the U.S. historically receive compensatory judgments reflecting the animal’s economic value. As animals are property in torts law, this value typically is the animal’s fair market value—which is often zero. But this is only the animal’s value, as it were, to a stranger and, in light of the fact that many guardians value their animals at rates far in excess of fair market value, legislatures and courts have begun to recognize a second value, (...)
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    A Framework for Compensating Climate Change Damages.Joachim Wündisch - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (2):839-859.
    Anthropogenic climate change is expected to contribute to mass migration from many different regions. Heyward and Ödalen (2016) propose a tailor-made migration option for victims of total territorial loss: a Free Movement Passport for the Territorially Dispossessed (PTD). The PTD presents a significant advancement over standard proposals for individual migration in response to total territorial loss. However, I argue that the compensatory obligations of states are more restrictive than the PTD scheme assumes (sec. 5), and that the contents of the (...)
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  48.  16
    Welfare in America: How Social Science Fails the Poor.William M. Epstein - 1997
    William M. Epstein charges that most current social welfare programs are not held to credible standards in their design or their results. Rather than spending less on such research and programs, however, Epstein suggests we should spend much more, and do the job right. The American public and policymakers need to rely on social science research for objective, credible information when trying to solve problems of employment, affordable housing, effective health care, and family integrity. But, Epstein contends, politicians treat (...)
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  49.  24
    Children after war: From moral development claims to welfare and agency rights.Giorgia Brucato - 2024 - Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies 64 (1):115-133.
    Within a framework of rights that protects children's interests and seek to balance their developing interests in welfare and agency, I consider how contexts of war impact children's lives to argue that such contexts provide opportunities to advance or set back both the development of moral powers, namely capacities for a sense of justice and a conception of the good, and capacities for autonomy. Besides an interest in satisfying their basic needs and protection, children have an interest in (...)
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  50. Inheriting rights to reparation: compensatory justice and the passage of time.Daniel Butt - 2013 - Ethical Perspectives 20 (2):245-269.
    This article addresses the question of whether present day individuals can inherit rights to compensation from their ancestors. It argues that contemporary writing on compensatory justice in general, and on the inheritability of rights to compensation in particular, has mischaracterized what is at stake in contexts where those responsible for wrongdoing continually refuse to make reparation for their unjust actions, and has subsequently misunderstood how later generations can advance claims rooted in the past mistreatment of their (...)
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